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HP Books: Basic Quiz

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Quiz created by Evreka, who thinks this is: Easy. Short description:logo Owl

Basic HP knowledge - What do you know? Built on info pre-OOTP.

Average rate as 1.9: Between 1) Too easy and boring. and 2) Easy. (by 29 person(s)).

1) What are Harry's best friends called?
Ron and Hermione.
Rupert and Hermione.
Ron and Neville.
Neville and Rupert.

2) Who is Harry's least favourite teacher?
Minerva McGonagall.
Rubeus Hagrid.
Albus Dumbledore.
Severus Snape.

3) Who is Head of Harry's House?
Professor McGonagall.
Professor Hagrid.
Albus Dumbledore.
Professor Flitwick.

4) Who is Lucius Malfoy?
An alias for Voldemort.
An evil wizard from Voldemort's innermost circle.
Harry's contemporary archenemy.
Harry's cousin.

5) What is a "squib"?
Any non-magical person.
Someone magical whose two parents both are non-magical.
Someone magical with one magical parent (the other non-magical).
Someone non-magical who has at least one magical parent.

6) Who did the flying motorbike that Hagrid used in the very first chapter of the first book belong to?
Hagrid himself.
Albus Dumbledore.
James Potter.
Sirius Black.

7) What Spell will bring something to you which is out of your reach?
Wingardium Leviosa!
Nitwit! Blubber! (If used together.)

8) What general characteristic is supposed to be especially prized within Ravenclaw?

9) What careers does Hermione's parents have?
Her father is in the Ministry and her mother is a dentist.
They are teachers.
They are dentists.

10) What kind of pets are allowed at Hogwarts according to the first letter from Hogwarts?
Cat, rat or dog.
Cat, rat, toad or dog.
Cat, rat or owl.
Cat, rat, toad or owl.
Cat, toad or owl.

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