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HP Books: Location Quiz

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Quiz created by Evreka, who thinks this is: Easy. Short description:logo Owl

This quiz tests your basic knowledge of some more or less significant places through the HP saga. The questions are not in any particular order. Constructed July 30, 2006. Built on info pre-DH.

Average rate as 2.7: Between 2) Easy. and 3) Medium. (by 7 person(s)).

1) What is Ron's home called?
Grimmauld Place.
The Burrow.
The Wooden Hut.
Weasley Manor.

2) What is Hogwarts full official name?
Hogwarts School for Witches and Wizards.
Hogwarts School for Wizards and Witches.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft.

3) Which family's home is referred to as a Manor?

4) Who lives in a Hut?
Rubeus Hagrid.
Remus Lupin.
The Malfoy family.
The Weasley family.

5) Who has (or had) a cave of some significance in their past?
Albus Dumbledore.
James Potter.
Remus Lupin.
Tom Marvolo Riddle.

6) Who lived in a house near Little Hangleton?
The Riddles.
The Potters.
The Lovegoods.
The Longbottoms.

7) Where did Sirius die?
Grimmauld Place.
The Ministry of Magic.
The Burrow.

8) Where was the founding DA meeting held?
The Great Hall.
The Prefects' Bathroom.
The Room of Requirement.
The Hog's Head.
Three Broomsticks.

9) Where did Dobby get a regular employment?
The Burrow.
Grimmauld Place.
Privet Drive, no 4.

10) In which of the following places has Kreacher never been?
The Burrow.
Grimmauld Place.
Privet Drive, no 4.

11) Who has lived most of their life at Privet Drive?

12) Where are we in the first chapter of HBP?
Privet Drive.
The Prime Minister's Office.
The Ministry of Magic.
Spinner's End.

13) Through what inn can you get from Charing Cross Road to Diagon Alley?
The Hog's Head.
The Leaky Cauldron.
The Three Broomsticks.

14) Where was the Diary bought?
Charing Cross Road.
Diagon Alley.
Knockturn Alley.
Vauxhall Road.

15) Where do the Unspeakables work?
In St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.
At the Auror Office, they are magical lawyers.
At the Department of Mysteries.
At the Office of Misinformation.

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