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HP Books: Year Quiz

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Quiz created by Evreka, who thinks this is: Medium. Short description:logo Owl

Do you remember which year these events took place? (This quiz operates under the assumption that Nearly Headless Nick can count, and did indeed keep track of when his 500th Deathday took place.) Keep in mind that each school year starts one year and ends another. In each textfield, enter the year in four digits. See also textfield scoring. Built on info pre-DH.

Average rate as 3.5: Between 3) Medium. and 4) Challenging, but fun. (by 4 person(s)).

1) What year did Nearly Headless Nick die?

2) What year was Harry born?

3) Which year did Percy graduate from Hogwarts?

4) Which year did Voldemort get his body back?

5) Which year did Dumbledore die?

6) Which year did Hermione first meet Viktor Krum?

7) What year did we first see Cornelius Fudge?

8) What year did we first meet Dolores Umbridge?

9) What year did Harry get his first kiss from a girl (as far as we know)?

10) What year did Harry see Aunt Marge for the first time in his life - as far as we know?

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