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HP Movies: PS/SS Movie Quiz

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Quiz created by Evreka, who thinks this is: Challenging. Short description:logo Owl

This quiz was written in August 2002. You may want to re-watch the VHS or DVD before taking it... I hope this is a bit of a challenge. I don't believe you can pass the quiz and do well unless you have seen the movie PS/SS several times.

Average rate as 3.7: Between 3) Medium. and 4) Challenging, but fun. (by 11 person(s)).

1) Who is the first representative from the magical world in the movie? (Owls not counted.)
Minerva McGonagall.
Albus Dumbledore
Rubeus Hagrid
Harry Potter

2) How many lights do we see Dumbledore put out with the Put-Outer?

3) What is the colour of the owl that delivers Harrys first letter from Hogwarts?

4) How do we first get to know that the Dursley's live at nr 4?
There is a number 4 on the wall.
The letter left with baby Harry has the address on it.
The letter to Harry about being accepted at Hogwarts has the address on it.
We aren't told so in the movie. That's only stated in the books.

5) How many presents does Dudley get at his birthday, when all is said and done?

6) What does Dudley do when the letters start to flow into the living room?
Runs out of the room screaming.
Jumps onto Petunias' lap.
Try to hide behind Vernon.
Starts to hit Harry.

7) Who is the first teacher to meet them at Hogwarts?
Rubeus Hagrid
Albus Dumbledore
Severus Snape
Minerva McGonagall

8) Who is sorted first?
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Susan Bones
Hermione Granger

9) Immediately after Harry has been sorted into Gryffindor, where does he sit down at the Gryffindor table?
Beside Hermione.
Beside Ron.
Between Neville and Hermione.
Between Hermione and Percy.

10) When and where do Harry and Draco meet the very first time?
In Diagon Alley, getting their supplies for Hogwarts.
Aboard the Hogwarts Express.
At Hogwarts, before the Sorting Ceremony begins.
At Hogwarts, in the corridor before their first common class.

11) Which is the first class in the movie?
Flying lesson.

12) What is Harry doing at Snapes first lesson, when Snape accuses him of feeling confident enough not to pay attention?
Arriving late for class.
He is absentmindedly strokeing his scar, daydreaming.
Drawing small figures in his book, completely bored.
Carefully copying down what Snape said just before.

13) What does Minerva McGonagall threatens to transfigure one of them into when they are late for Transfiguration?
A pocket-watch, so that the other might be on time.
A ferret, as that would be able to run faster.
A frog, to teach them a lesson.
She doesn't threaten them. She takes 5 points from Gryffindor instead.

14) What colour is Madame Hooch's robe in the flying class?

15) Whose feather got burned in Charms?
Seamus Finnigans.
Ron Weasleys.
Neville Longbottoms.
Harry Potters.

16) What does Dumbledore say to calm down everyone after Quirrells warning about the troll?

17) As a game of Quidditch is about to start the players take their positions. Which players have the highest positions?
The seekers.
The chasers.
The beaters.
The keepers.

18) Who remains at Hogwarts during christmas?
Only Harry.
Harry and Ron.
Harry and Hermione.
All three of them.

19) We are first introduced to Wizard's Chess when Harry and Ron are playing a game shortly before christmas. What happens?
Rons knight kill Harrys queen by riding her down.
Rons queen kill Harrys knight by a sword.
Harrys queen kill Rons knight by a sword.
Rons queen smashes Harrys knight into smithereens by using her throne.

20) What colour was the dragon's egg?

21) On how many different occasions does Hagrid tell them things he shouldn't have?
Just one time.

22) In the Gigantic Chess Scene which positions do Harry and Hermione get?
Harry pawn, Hermione queen.
Harry King, Hermione queen.
Harry queen side castle, Hermione bishop.
Harry bishop, Hermione queen side castle.

23) Is Hedwigs name ever mentioned in the movie?
Yes, of course! Plenty of times.
Yes, at Diagon Alley when Harry gets her.
Never in the movie, as shown in theatres, only in the deleted scenes.
Never, not even in the deleted scenes.

24) What colour is the Philosophers Stone?

25) What does the painting in the hospital wing do?
Performing an operation.
Blow out a candle and watch over a patient.
Nothing at all.

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