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HP Books: Quidditch History Quiz

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Quiz created by Evreka, who thinks this is: Challenging. Short description:logo Owl

How much do you remember of Quidditch Through the Ages (QTTA)? You need to be familiar with its content to get a high score, I think. Constructed February 6, 2005.

Average rate as 4.1: Challenging, but fun. (by 7 person(s)).

1) What is the name of the author of Quidditch Through the Ages?
Kenneth Quaggley.
Kennilworthy Quaggle.
Kenneth Whimp.
Kennilworthy Whisp.

2) Who was the first to borrow the book according to the borrower list inside it?
James Potter.
Gilderoy Lockhart.
Oliver Wood.
Minerva McGonagall.
Harry Potter.

3) Who decided to ”praise” QTTA by the following phrase: ”I’ve read worse.”?
Gilderoy Lockhart.
Bathilda Bagshot.
Rita Skeeter.
Emeric Switch.

4) What does the first Figure (Fig. A) illustrate?
A bird.
A broomstick.
A hoop.
A Quaffle.

5) In which country is there an annual broomrace in which the winner gets a dragonshaped silver trophy?

6) Where was the very first game of Quidditch played?
Stoatshead Hill.
Quaggley Village.
Queerditch Marsh.

7) The Golden Snidget was invented by Bowman Wright in the 14th century. Where did he live?
Godric's Hollow.
Quaggley Village.
Queerditch Marsh.

8) The first Seekers were trying to catch what exactly?
The Golden Snitch.
Both bludgers at once.
A Golden Snidget.
A phoenix.

9) How many players does a modern Quidditch team have?

10) How long did the game at Bodmin Moor in 1884 last?
3.5 seconds.
10 minutes.
10 weeks.
6 months.

11) What is the oldest position in Quidditch?

12) What is the first rule in the book The Beater's Bible, according to QTTA?
Never aim at your own team!
Take out the Keeper!
Take out the Seeker!
Take out the Referee!

13) What is special with the final in the World Cup 1473? NOTE the rules for checkbox scoring.
It was the first match ever played with only one Keeper per team. Up to that point there were as many Keepers as there were hoops.
It was the first ever World Cup and hence the first such final.
It was the fastest game ever, over in 3.5 seconds!
All known fouls (700) occured during this final!

14) What foul did Draco Malfoy commit when he seized Harry's Firebolt to slow him down in the final Quidditch game in POA?

15) Which of the following teams is Irish?
Appleby Arrows.
Holyhead Harpies.
Kenmare Kestrels.
Pride of Portree.

16) Which of the following broomstick types is the oldest?
Cleansweep 1.
Nimbus 1000.
Shooting Star.

17) Which player position may pull off a "Porskoff Ploy"?

18) Which player position may pull off a "Wronski Feint"?

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